



Eyebright, also famous as ‘Euphrasia’ (means: ‘well-being’) and ‘Meadow Eyebright’, is from the family of Orobanchaceae. It is often found in alpine or sub-alpine meadows where snow is common. Its leaves have jagged, toothy edges, which are quite different from other plants. Also, the flowers of eyebright have different variations. They are usually in white, yellow, and red color with a yellow spot in throat.
This plant was known to classical herbalists. However, 21st century researchers and herbalists are taking great interest in it too. Their researches are proving its strength when it comes to treating eye redness, eye swelling, and visual disturbance. They reveal, any eye issue, caused by blepharitis and conjunctivitis, can be relieved by eyebright. Furthermore, it can also assist in reducing eye inflammation. You can use it as an eye wash or eye drops.
There are many other health benefits of this herb. Experts recommend eyebright for treating hay fever, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infections, nasal irritations, seasonal allergies, and bronchial colds. The most interesting thing about eyebright is it heals skin wounds too quite quickly. It is made into a poultice and used on the wound topically.
Eyebright is available in many forms. You can use it in the form of tea bags, loose dried leaves, capsules, tablets, and powders. This herb is available in oil form too for topical applications. You can use its oil to treat skin conditions and beautify skin. Just remember that, for adults, experts recommend only 2-4 grams of this herb, up to three times each day. If the issue persists even after two weeks, it is better to consult your physician too.
Besides, great precaution is required if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, particularly if you are consuming it in the form of tea, tablets, or capsules.
Properties: Treats eye conditions (eye redness, eye swelling, visual disturbance), hay fever, upper respiratory tract infections, seasonal allergies, nasal irritations. It also heal skin wound, skin infections like acne, and skin inflammation. It facilitates in tightening skin too.




Damiana is a wild shrub. It is aromatic and belongs to the Turneraceae plant family. It is popular among herbalists since the ancient Aztec time. They find this herb in abundance in Mexico, Central America, and West Indies to treat different ailments.

According to historians, the name of this herb comes for the Greeks. They used to call it Daman or Damia, which means ‘to tame or subdue’. They used its leaves in herbal smoking blends and in liquors as well to calm their nerves. It helped them in increasing sexual desires too.

And, the modern researchers confirm this.

They have confirmed Damiana effects in a lab study on rats. It showed its aphrodisiac properties and increased the desires in those rats which were either sexually sluggish or fatigued. It also reduced their anxiety and made them appear calmer.

But, this isn’t just rat study or a history thing. The native people of Mexico still use this herb to increase their energy and boost their sexual potency. They indeed treat their potency and menstrual problems through Damiana. Therefore, if you specifically deal with anxiety, depression, nervousness, tension, or sexual problems, you can’t get anything better than this herb. It is herbal healing process, and a god’s gift, without any kind of side effects.
There are many other health benefits of Damiana. For example, it reduces gastric emptying rate, protects against liver diseases, promotes weight loss, and et cetera. The best thing about Daniama is it is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For that reason, it is an utterly safe herb. You can not only use it in teas and liquors, but also utilize this herb as a food flavoring agent.
Now, there isn’t any specific precaution, but it is better to avoid it and stay on the safe side if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, if you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar regularly, as Damiana can affect blood sugar levels in people.
Properties: It is packed with vitamins & minerals, boosts sexuality, improves sexual satisfaction, reduces vaginal dryness, promotes weight loss, treats headache, depression, and constipation, enhances mood, and boosts mental and physical stamina.




Contribo is a very unique herb. It grows along stream and in other wet areas. It is notable for its use in western herbal medicine. However, we often find Contribo in Ayurvedic medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Besides, unlike many other herbs, Contribo has well-documented history of medical use (since 300 BCE).
Various cultures around the world use Contribo for treating numerous diseases. Even ancient Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines have used it in their pharmaceutical recipes to treat a variety of health conditions. Their experts utilized this herb to treat conditions like kidney ailments, bladder stones, gout, snakebite, uterine complaints, and insomnia.
There are numerous ways to use this herb. Some people soak it in water before relishing it as a cup of tea, while others use it with honey and olive oil. Herbalists recommend using its water as a lotion too, specifically for treating wounds and skin infections.
Modern-day researchers are investigating Contribo properties even more. According to them, it holds a lot more power than you can imagine. For example, when you infuse it in water and consume it, it gives your body immense power to fight with cold and flu. Its properties are a lot more powerful and effective than many famous medicines. Fortunately, they are without any kind of side effects too. However, if you are on some other medications, it is better to consult your doctor first before relying on this herb.
In addition, if you have some appetite issues, Contribo can assist in that as well. It enhances the appetite and aids in improving your overall health.
There are some precautions that you must consider before using this herb. Experts believe one should avoid continuous use of Contribo as it contains aristolochic acid. Because of its poisonous nature, continuous use of it can damage human health in the long run.
Properties: It’s a remedy against poisonous effects of snake bite, alleviates fever, enhances appetite, heals bruises and wounds, treats kidney ailments, bladder stones, uterine complaints, beneficial for women giving birth, and builds strength against cold.




Other common names of Valerian are Valeriana Officinalis, Cut Finger, and Garden Valerian. Due its exceptional health properties, it is famous as all-heal herb too. Even its name indicates the meaning of strong and healthy in the Latin dictionary.
It is a perennial plant, native to Europe and Asia. Its root has enormously important chemical like gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which facilitate in treating many brain related issues. If you deal with anxiety or stress or any kind of distress, it means you are struggling with low levels of aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. Consistent use of Valerian increases the GABA levels and banishes all these symptoms.
In other words, its properties contribute to a calming effect in body.
You will often see its crude extract in the forms of capsules, which people use as a dietary supplement to relieve the symptoms of insomnia, stress, and anxiety. They believe it has sedative and anxiolytic effect, which is more natural and powerful than many other drugs.
But, anti-anxiety effect isn’t the only thing. Valerian root has many other components that lower blood pressure, ease menstrual cramp, and improve stress management. Though, remember that it possess some minor side effects too, such as headache, dizziness, and stomach problems. In some cases, you can also deal with irritability and uneasiness.
Professional herbalists don’t recommend more than 900 mg of valerian extract each day. According to them, consuming its extracts 2 hours before the bedtime gives significant results, particularly if you are trying to soothe mind or cure insomnia.
However, one shouldn’t use it for more than 28 days. Since, prolonged use of Valerian can increase the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety, even more. In addition, in case you are pregnant, avoid this herb to stay on the safe side, as it slows down the nervous system.
Properties: Magic sleep potion, hypnotic, antispasmodic, sedative, anxiolytic, nervous system tonic, and muscle relaxant. It is also high in selenium, tin, aluminum, iron, and magnesium. It lowers blood pressure, eases menstrual cramp, and reduces stress.

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